Lessons in writing 2...
Here is another lesson that I took in my writing course. The class was given several partial statements and we were to choose one and write somethign that would hook the reader. I chose "According to the oldtimers....". As you can see the writing prompt could take you in just about any direction that you wanted. This is what I came up with:
You will never forget the day you die. That is what I had always been told anyway. According to the old timers we would have many deaths to look forward to, or forget about depending on how you looked at it. I have come to believe it is a little bit of both. Sinking now to the bottom of this murky lake it was definitely the latter of the two.
“Are you ready?” I heard faintly echoing in my mind.
“Nearly,” I thought back.
I wanted to take it all in, the confines of the darkness, the weight of the water, the unbearable panic that besieged my body. I looked at the small pinpoint of light that could vaguely be seen high above me. My chest was on the verge of exploding.
“I’m ready,” I cried silently water rushing into my lungs.
I felt myself dragged from the darkness and I gasped for air sitting upright on the table. The light in the stark white room was almost too bright but it was always that way when you returned.
“That was a close one Keira,” she said pulling the IV from my arm.
“They always are,” I replied.
Posted in: on Thursday, May 13, 2010 at at 7:45 PM